Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Discovering the uncovered

When my departure to Manila for Abu Dhabi has been confirmed, the first thing I asked my husband is what clothes to bring. When I first arrived, what's foremost in my mind is what are the "what should" and the "should not be's."

For many of us Filipinos or probably even for other nationalities, we do not have any idea at all what to expect living in UAE. I know for a fact that UAE is a very strict and conservative Muslim country. But coming here and after a month stay has taught me otherwise. In fact, UAE is tolerant to what the resident or visitors can wear or do. I have seen people wearing shorts, tank tops, dresses below the knees, etc. It really got me confused for awhile. However, one thing I learned is that, normal clothing may be good but it is better to wear something more decent and a little covered owing to the fact that UAE's population is very multi-cultural and diverse. People thinks and see differently especially at women's clothing.

I want to share this: gulfnews : Public decency in the UAE

Eventually, it is really not so bad being a little covered for a time. A real fashionista need not to reveal skin ;-)

Hugz, hugz!

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