Saturday, July 9, 2011

Techie Hype

I never thought I would see the day that I will be so much into the web. You see I am just an ordinary citizen with basic and ordinary knowledge of the Internet and techies. I do have an FB account, a very inactive Twitter account, and an old and unvisited Friendster account aside from my YM and MSN messenger which I used in my previous work. I do have a basic mobile phone which I used to make calls and text or sms. Other than that,for whatever my mobile phone's worth, is unknown to me. It's either I do not have the time or I just don't care enough.

Coming to Abu Dhabi though has changed all that. Don't get me wrong. It is not because of the cheap electronics or the convenience of getting one nor is it because of the Internet services provided (only by 2 major telecom providers - Etiselat & Du) which, in fact, has most websites blocked due to "malicious contents" BUT probably because the Internet or the web is the most fastest, reliable, and up-to-date tool for communicating outside of this world to families and friends. And since most of the people living here are expats, it is a very common thing that each household or person has a laptop or PCs stashed inside their homes or beds.

So coming to Abu Dhabi, my laptop is a new world on its own...I got to create my blog thinking it will be a way for us to show my family and friends what we have been up to here in Abu Dhabi. Facebooking is just not enough to express all this and I wanted selected few to know about it. Then I got so involved with my Twitter account having followed this famous fashion Pinoy blogger, bryanboy, who introduced me into a new level of the fashion world. Then my husband gave me an Ipod Touch 4th Gen so everything has been mobile! Making me more updated about my cause and my loves. The Apps in the iTunes Store became so addictive so I am not foreign to Angry Birds =) Oh and I love The Bible apps. It is the ultimate Bible reading,planning, and diary all in one with different interpretations.  After that I became a blogger reader and also got myself involved with eBooks. Now, I have just signed up with Google+. If you are not familiar with it yet, it's because it is not yet well-publicized and is still in its pilot stage. Google+ will be the newest and coolest by far than FB and Twitter as I have seen and tried.

Too many things to do that's why i kept a note to monitor usernames, passwords and emails. 

Everything, everything is just one click away and I am, to say the least, is a very busy person =)

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