Monday, July 11, 2011

Comfort Food

I was bone tired today. Too much work and stress. I went out of the office a little late slowly making my way home inspite of the heat. I arrived in our flat a little 15 minutes later than my usual time and then just lie down for awhile. My body is weak and so is my spirit. I'm in such a depressive mode :-( ZERO. I was quiet the whole time and after dinner just allowed myself to shed some few tears...Missing home? Probably or work-related. I am very much critical of myself especially if I am not satisfied with my own work performance. Even my webbie friends did not lift my spirits - bryanboy can't seem to make me laugh and the angry birds just makes me more frustrated. Anyway, around 10:30PM I asked Mario if we can get out of the flat and just walk around. But food is what I have in mind. I remember my sister Margaret who always asks me to stock-up some 'comfort food' at home like Lay's chips or chocolates. But I am throwing my diet out of the window just for tonight.

I asked Mario if we can go to ZaatarWZeit. I have always been meaning to go there because of the great reviews and it is just a minute walk from home. 

It didn't disappoint. The place is very comfy and the food is great! It is like a fast food joint aka Mcdo or KFC sans ordering at the counter. We ordered while sitting down but the ambiance is relaxing and casual and the music is hip.  We ordered their specialty - wraps! It's not the usual Shawarma thing nor the wrap sandwiches you casually buy around 'refreshment' stores. What's special about it is the dough used in the wraps. I heard from our server, Joyce (Filipina), that there are customers who has been asking them their ingredients which remains to be a secret. 
Mario ordered coffee while I ordered their lemonade. Their lemonade is a yum and i was not disappointed. Though some restos offer freshly squeezed lemonades, this one has a zing! 

I have no cameras and no Ipod with me so I wasn't able to get a picture of the place. However, I promised to go back since they will be open 24 hours as per demand. I felt a lot better. :-)

So it's almost past bedtime when we arrived back home. I opened my Ipod for my nightly Bible reading. I am so much in awe by this Bible apps from iTunes. Anyway, today's passage was about Moses asking by God to bring His people out of Egypt. (Exodus 4:10-12). Moses was in a dilemma because he is not a public-speaker but God said He will teach him what to say.... I read some of the notes some readers posted and I am in empathy with all of them. It all gave me strength to know that when God asks you to do something, He has already made a way to do it for you inspite of our weaknesses. I know that my way of coming in the Middle East is a calling and a blessing from Him and that gives me comfort. So what should I fear???

I am blessed! :-) 

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