Friday, July 22, 2011

Amina, Amina Kadala

I've been Googling and searching for memories of my childhood days in Africa. Our family lived there for almost 4 years. My formative years was spent there. Been reading so many blogs about it and I totally agree that life is so simple then and we, as children, just enjoyed being so carefree. Just thinking about it makes me put a smile on my lips. Here are some memories that are still with me:

1. Dancing chicocos.
2. I remember living in a big house with a kalacuchi tree in front and how it provides shades for us while we are lying on the floor just drawing and coloring.
3. I remember how we have Peaches, Avocado, Mango, Lemon and some other fruit-bearing trees in our backyard and just ready for our picking.
4. I remember our very first ever loyal pet dog, Bonnie, an old English sheepdog (may his good soul forever rest in peace)
5. I remember how we climb fences of our neighbors' houses so we can pick up wild berries and eat them on our way home without washing them and not being afraid of getting sick.

I finally found a lyrics of the song we used to sing in Africa when we were children. 

Amina, amina kadala, small weya, amina dushe pa kaliba eloyi eloyi bamulya mulunsonga PO Box Chapatwa telephone mulembwe maleleka maleleka umpempe umpempe amina dushi!

I found this picture in FB. This is the ground from my old school, Nchanga Lower Trust School. One of the children in the picture is our family friend  and who is now living in the US with his own family.

=) So many memories to be continued...

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post, I have been looking for the amina song that I used jump rope to and desperately trying to hold on to my heritage. Thanks for the reminder x
