Sunday, July 24, 2011

Missin' Home

Been here in Abu Dhabi for more than 8 months now.  Time seems to fly so fast and yet I am still in the stage of adjusting in my new environment. I still feel the "what the heck am I doing here?!" moments. I am homesick. It seems that when you feel this homesickness in your adult life it is felt more deeply and at times undefinable. 

Everything is more bearable because I am with Mar. He is my all around buddy. It has been years since we have been really together only by ourselves. Like any couple who differs like Night and Day, we have our 'in each other's throats' moments, or 'You, martian and Me, Venus' moments. But we never get into serious arguments and we always stick it out because we know we only have each other as family in this Shawarma country. Ours is like an old shoe that you keep coming back for because it's comfortable. Somehow, this eases my loneliness because I have him. We have each other.

So I do wonder, what about those people who came here and has no one? Who sacrificed so much just to earn a decent living for their loved-ones? Who, for other reasons, just need to escape from their pasts? How deep is their longing of Home? I do not know. I cannot comprehend. For each faces I see, has each story to tell.  

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