Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tama na, Khalas!

I thought it's the extreme temperature that is making me feel like I am adding weight. Goodness! No exercise, bad food choices and bad eating habit is finally showing on me =(

I just don't know why, but coming to Abu Dhabi, I started eating food that I do not normally and usually eat back home. Fried chicken, french fries, burgers, cakes, pastries, and anything that is 'forbidden' for a health nut like me. I have always been slim and a little bulge is always being noticed by peering eyes back home. Abu Dhabi seems like freedom - freedom to do and freedom to be. Ironic isn't it? Anyway, this time I need to lose weight for better reasons. The added weight is weighing me down and sapping my energy. It is not doing me good.

So starting today, I will stop the bad eating habits and get back in shape. Khalas (or Stop in Arabic)!!!

Khalas for this...
 And this...
 And this...
 And this...
 And this...

Today is a new day!

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