Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tid Bits

I am so right! Just started my diet yesterday and I started to feel the difference already. I really feel more active. I feel more attuned to losing weight now that my office mates are on the same boat. Yippee! No bad influences. 

I will be experiencing Ramadan for the first time. It will start on August 1 and will be running the whole month. I have already been asking around what to do and what not to do as well as things to do during my spare time - too many spare time. Office timings normally is half day for the whole month. So, I am thinking of taking up an art lesson? photography? dance?....mmmm I might be checking some sites and see what's in store. =)

Well I am really curious about Ramadan and will let you know my insights. Though I am pretty sure picture-taking is a no-no unless during iftar, which means, breaking the fast or beginning to eat after sunset especially during Ramadan.

Though one thing is sure, I will be losing weight! 

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