Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Discovering the uncovered

When my departure to Manila for Abu Dhabi has been confirmed, the first thing I asked my husband is what clothes to bring. When I first arrived, what's foremost in my mind is what are the "what should" and the "should not be's."

For many of us Filipinos or probably even for other nationalities, we do not have any idea at all what to expect living in UAE. I know for a fact that UAE is a very strict and conservative Muslim country. But coming here and after a month stay has taught me otherwise. In fact, UAE is tolerant to what the resident or visitors can wear or do. I have seen people wearing shorts, tank tops, dresses below the knees, etc. It really got me confused for awhile. However, one thing I learned is that, normal clothing may be good but it is better to wear something more decent and a little covered owing to the fact that UAE's population is very multi-cultural and diverse. People thinks and see differently especially at women's clothing.

I want to share this: gulfnews : Public decency in the UAE

Eventually, it is really not so bad being a little covered for a time. A real fashionista need not to reveal skin ;-)

Hugz, hugz!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


When we were doing groceries at mini Coop near our place, the security guard gave me this...

It's a Ramadan Planner. First notepad is specified for Prayer Timings (8x a day!), second notepad is for the Grocery List and third notepad is for Menu List. Every Ramadan, they have 6-8 hours of fasting time everyday for 1 month from sunrise to sunset. After which, they have Iftar or breaking the fast. So during night time when the sun is out they have a feast, hence, the menu and grocery list.

For us non-Muslims, we are not aware that Ramadan starts with moonsighting.

"The traditional method, mentioned in the Qur'an and followed by the Prophet Muhammad, is to look to the sky and visibly sight the slight crescent moon (hilal) that marks the beginning of the month. If one sees the hilal at night, the next day is the first day of Ramadan and thus the first day of fasting.  At the end of the month, when the community sights the hilal again, the Festival of Fast-Breaking ('Eid al-Fitr) begins.    

By chance, while walking going home from one of our latte' nights, I looked up the dark sky and saw the moon. I was amazed that it's really starting to look like this...
And when Ramadan comes, the moon will exactly look like the Islamic crescent and star. They say this is very visible in Saudi Arabia where Mecca is located.

I am amazed seeing the moon like this for the first time. They say you will only see it when in the Middle East and during Ramadan. Though it feels more of like an omen, I am also beginning to appreciate UAE's culture, religion, the people, and the land that I feel has been tested and blessed by faith, prayers and time. 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Missin' Home

Been here in Abu Dhabi for more than 8 months now.  Time seems to fly so fast and yet I am still in the stage of adjusting in my new environment. I still feel the "what the heck am I doing here?!" moments. I am homesick. It seems that when you feel this homesickness in your adult life it is felt more deeply and at times undefinable. 

Everything is more bearable because I am with Mar. He is my all around buddy. It has been years since we have been really together only by ourselves. Like any couple who differs like Night and Day, we have our 'in each other's throats' moments, or 'You, martian and Me, Venus' moments. But we never get into serious arguments and we always stick it out because we know we only have each other as family in this Shawarma country. Ours is like an old shoe that you keep coming back for because it's comfortable. Somehow, this eases my loneliness because I have him. We have each other.

So I do wonder, what about those people who came here and has no one? Who sacrificed so much just to earn a decent living for their loved-ones? Who, for other reasons, just need to escape from their pasts? How deep is their longing of Home? I do not know. I cannot comprehend. For each faces I see, has each story to tell.  

Friday, July 22, 2011

Amina, Amina Kadala

I've been Googling and searching for memories of my childhood days in Africa. Our family lived there for almost 4 years. My formative years was spent there. Been reading so many blogs about it and I totally agree that life is so simple then and we, as children, just enjoyed being so carefree. Just thinking about it makes me put a smile on my lips. Here are some memories that are still with me:

1. Dancing chicocos.
2. I remember living in a big house with a kalacuchi tree in front and how it provides shades for us while we are lying on the floor just drawing and coloring.
3. I remember how we have Peaches, Avocado, Mango, Lemon and some other fruit-bearing trees in our backyard and just ready for our picking.
4. I remember our very first ever loyal pet dog, Bonnie, an old English sheepdog (may his good soul forever rest in peace)
5. I remember how we climb fences of our neighbors' houses so we can pick up wild berries and eat them on our way home without washing them and not being afraid of getting sick.

I finally found a lyrics of the song we used to sing in Africa when we were children. 

Amina, amina kadala, small weya, amina dushe pa kaliba eloyi eloyi bamulya mulunsonga PO Box Chapatwa telephone mulembwe maleleka maleleka umpempe umpempe amina dushi!

I found this picture in FB. This is the ground from my old school, Nchanga Lower Trust School. One of the children in the picture is our family friend  and who is now living in the US with his own family.

=) So many memories to be continued...

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I just remembered my childhood days and decided to go to my FB page to check if there's anything that will connect me to my old Alma mater and found the group Nchanga Trust School. I read the posts, saw the picture, and laugh with fond memories =) We stayed in South Africa for almost 4 years and memories of it are still ingrained in my heart. Here's the Zambia National Anthem. I still know the song!


Stand and sing of Zambia, proud and free, 
Land of work and joy in unity, 
Victors in the struggle for the right, 
We have won freedom's fight. 
All one, strong and free. 

Africa is our own motherland, 
Fashion'd with and blessed by God's good hand, 
Let us all her people join as one, 
Brothers under the sun. 
All one, strong and free. 

One land and one nation is our cry, 
Dignity and peace 'neath Zambia's sky, 
Like our noble eagle in its flight, 
Zambia, praise to thee. 
All one, strong and free. 

(Sung After Third Verse Only) 

Praise be to God. 
Praise be, praise be, praise be, 
Bless our great nation, 
Zambia, Zambia, Zambia. 
Free men we stand 
Under the flag of our land. 
Zambia, praise to thee! 
All one, strong and free. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tid Bits

I am so right! Just started my diet yesterday and I started to feel the difference already. I really feel more active. I feel more attuned to losing weight now that my office mates are on the same boat. Yippee! No bad influences. 

I will be experiencing Ramadan for the first time. It will start on August 1 and will be running the whole month. I have already been asking around what to do and what not to do as well as things to do during my spare time - too many spare time. Office timings normally is half day for the whole month. So, I am thinking of taking up an art lesson? photography? dance?....mmmm I might be checking some sites and see what's in store. =)

Well I am really curious about Ramadan and will let you know my insights. Though I am pretty sure picture-taking is a no-no unless during iftar, which means, breaking the fast or beginning to eat after sunset especially during Ramadan.

Though one thing is sure, I will be losing weight! 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tama na, Khalas!

I thought it's the extreme temperature that is making me feel like I am adding weight. Goodness! No exercise, bad food choices and bad eating habit is finally showing on me =(

I just don't know why, but coming to Abu Dhabi, I started eating food that I do not normally and usually eat back home. Fried chicken, french fries, burgers, cakes, pastries, and anything that is 'forbidden' for a health nut like me. I have always been slim and a little bulge is always being noticed by peering eyes back home. Abu Dhabi seems like freedom - freedom to do and freedom to be. Ironic isn't it? Anyway, this time I need to lose weight for better reasons. The added weight is weighing me down and sapping my energy. It is not doing me good.

So starting today, I will stop the bad eating habits and get back in shape. Khalas (or Stop in Arabic)!!!

Khalas for this...
 And this...
 And this...
 And this...
 And this...

Today is a new day!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

ZaatarWZeit - PART2

I promised that I will be posting pictures of Zaatar w Zeit or ZwZ when I come back. Well it did not take long 'coz Friday night, Hassel wanted to go out and have coffee with us. So since Zaatar is again the most ideal and convenient place to go (even with our pambahays), off we went. 

ZwZ is fronting the ongoing construction of Salam Street.
Inside ZwZ

The vertical view of the restaurant
 That's Mar, Hassel and my empty chair =)
Really had a great night chatting while having coffee and Jebneh (Arabic simple cheese in Wraps). We stayed there until past 12MN and still Hassel and I continued our chat in the flat until the wee hours of the morning while my hubby snored away. =)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cold Stone Creamery

Yesterday, we went to Abu Dhabi mall to watch the much-awaited Harry Potter finale. Kuya Long, Mario & I went earlier before lunch since this for sure will be another blockbuster and we do not want to wait in line just buying tickets. We bought 7 tickets, watching with us are the Galolong couple,Kashif (their Pakistani friend) and Bunso. We got a 2:30 showtime.

So while waiting, we had merienda at Cold Stone Creamery just across Grand Cinemas. One of my favorite ice-cream!

Coldstone Creamery was founded by Donald and Susan Sutherland in 1988 when, driven by their passion to serve the world's best ice cream, they opened the first Cold Stone Creamery in Tempe, Arizona. And now, more than 1,400 stores later, people have really warmed up to their cool idea.

Cold Stone's innovation: "If it has anything to do with ice cream, it has everything to do with Cold Stone Creamery. From unique ice cream creations to smoothies, cakes and shakes – nobody serves up the ultimate indulgence like Cold Stone.  It starts with using the highest quality ingredients and ends with our signature process for preparing your custom creation on a frozen granite stone."

Yep that is right. Ice creams are created on a granite stone...So I am waiting while my 'creation' is being prepared.
 Viola! My Apple Pie a la Coldstone =)
Mario, enjoying his Mocha Latte', and Kuya Long, enjoying his Coffee Lovers' only =)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Excuse me!

Word of the day: Excuse me                      Pronounced as: Se-cuse me

From a lady merchandiser at Abu Dhabi Mall, Coop groceries calling a young man to get his empty tin can from her waste basket...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My footpath

Today I am photo blogging. This is for my family and close friends. I finally had the time to take some pictures of my footpaths everyday from office to the flat...

This is my work area. Looks busy =)
This street is across my office and where I walk everyday. The building with a green sign has a Starbucks on the ground floor and where we usually hang around for our latte' nights.

The left side of this pavement are all stores and restaurants famous in Abu Dhabi like the Lebanese Mill, Al Farooj, Al Sultan Bakeries, the famous Lebanese roasters, etc...
A mini mosque common and scattered around UAE..Mostly I passed by the time the trumpet is blown as a signal for prayer time.

My unmanicured feet in a 3-inch bootie..
Almost near home...This side are mostly Indian restaurants ala 'carinderia' where Mario and I sometimes buy Chapatti with egg sandwich.

This is the famous PANADERIA. The first time I came here I was surprised to find this and very near to where we live. Breads are all Filipino style. You can find cheese bread, spanish bread (which Arabic loves), cheese pandesal, etc And of course the famous pandesal that is always newly baked. You can buy pandesal for AED1.00 (less than Php12.00) for 3 pieces and it's big in size like the pandesal we buy in Pugon de Manila.
This is only a few step from our flat =). By the way, have you noticed that all my pictures are with cars? Well, that is because Abu Dhabi has no parking areas. Their buildings are not equipped with parking spaces and it is only recently that the new buildings are required to have parking spaces. Hence, cars, cars everywhere! A Lamborghini there, a Mercedes here, Lexus, Hyundai, Toyota, Volkswagen, even a Mini is just all in the streets waiting for dusts to settle in. Back in Manila these cars are  put in the privacy of our homes inside the garage with lock and keys and a cover to boot afraid that it might get scratches or be stolen. So just to think of it, it's scary to know that these streets are a haven for car thieves. Mags, side mirrors, wheels and perhaps the whole car itself. Good thing about UAE, every crime is of course punishable by law and every expat citizen wouldn't dare do anything against it. I am beginning to see that life here is simple but rich. But then again, I still miss home where all the action and drama is...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Comfort Food

I was bone tired today. Too much work and stress. I went out of the office a little late slowly making my way home inspite of the heat. I arrived in our flat a little 15 minutes later than my usual time and then just lie down for awhile. My body is weak and so is my spirit. I'm in such a depressive mode :-( ZERO. I was quiet the whole time and after dinner just allowed myself to shed some few tears...Missing home? Probably or work-related. I am very much critical of myself especially if I am not satisfied with my own work performance. Even my webbie friends did not lift my spirits - bryanboy can't seem to make me laugh and the angry birds just makes me more frustrated. Anyway, around 10:30PM I asked Mario if we can get out of the flat and just walk around. But food is what I have in mind. I remember my sister Margaret who always asks me to stock-up some 'comfort food' at home like Lay's chips or chocolates. But I am throwing my diet out of the window just for tonight.

I asked Mario if we can go to ZaatarWZeit. I have always been meaning to go there because of the great reviews and it is just a minute walk from home. 

It didn't disappoint. The place is very comfy and the food is great! It is like a fast food joint aka Mcdo or KFC sans ordering at the counter. We ordered while sitting down but the ambiance is relaxing and casual and the music is hip.  We ordered their specialty - wraps! It's not the usual Shawarma thing nor the wrap sandwiches you casually buy around 'refreshment' stores. What's special about it is the dough used in the wraps. I heard from our server, Joyce (Filipina), that there are customers who has been asking them their ingredients which remains to be a secret. 
Mario ordered coffee while I ordered their lemonade. Their lemonade is a yum and i was not disappointed. Though some restos offer freshly squeezed lemonades, this one has a zing! 

I have no cameras and no Ipod with me so I wasn't able to get a picture of the place. However, I promised to go back since they will be open 24 hours as per demand. I felt a lot better. :-)

So it's almost past bedtime when we arrived back home. I opened my Ipod for my nightly Bible reading. I am so much in awe by this Bible apps from iTunes. Anyway, today's passage was about Moses asking by God to bring His people out of Egypt. (Exodus 4:10-12). Moses was in a dilemma because he is not a public-speaker but God said He will teach him what to say.... I read some of the notes some readers posted and I am in empathy with all of them. It all gave me strength to know that when God asks you to do something, He has already made a way to do it for you inspite of our weaknesses. I know that my way of coming in the Middle East is a calling and a blessing from Him and that gives me comfort. So what should I fear???

I am blessed! :-) 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Techie Hype

I never thought I would see the day that I will be so much into the web. You see I am just an ordinary citizen with basic and ordinary knowledge of the Internet and techies. I do have an FB account, a very inactive Twitter account, and an old and unvisited Friendster account aside from my YM and MSN messenger which I used in my previous work. I do have a basic mobile phone which I used to make calls and text or sms. Other than that,for whatever my mobile phone's worth, is unknown to me. It's either I do not have the time or I just don't care enough.

Coming to Abu Dhabi though has changed all that. Don't get me wrong. It is not because of the cheap electronics or the convenience of getting one nor is it because of the Internet services provided (only by 2 major telecom providers - Etiselat & Du) which, in fact, has most websites blocked due to "malicious contents" BUT probably because the Internet or the web is the most fastest, reliable, and up-to-date tool for communicating outside of this world to families and friends. And since most of the people living here are expats, it is a very common thing that each household or person has a laptop or PCs stashed inside their homes or beds.

So coming to Abu Dhabi, my laptop is a new world on its own...I got to create my blog thinking it will be a way for us to show my family and friends what we have been up to here in Abu Dhabi. Facebooking is just not enough to express all this and I wanted selected few to know about it. Then I got so involved with my Twitter account having followed this famous fashion Pinoy blogger, bryanboy, who introduced me into a new level of the fashion world. Then my husband gave me an Ipod Touch 4th Gen so everything has been mobile! Making me more updated about my cause and my loves. The Apps in the iTunes Store became so addictive so I am not foreign to Angry Birds =) Oh and I love The Bible apps. It is the ultimate Bible reading,planning, and diary all in one with different interpretations.  After that I became a blogger reader and also got myself involved with eBooks. Now, I have just signed up with Google+. If you are not familiar with it yet, it's because it is not yet well-publicized and is still in its pilot stage. Google+ will be the newest and coolest by far than FB and Twitter as I have seen and tried.

Too many things to do that's why i kept a note to monitor usernames, passwords and emails. 

Everything, everything is just one click away and I am, to say the least, is a very busy person =)

Friday, July 8, 2011


Just found out a Daiso Store here in Abu Dhabi and in Al Wahda Mall again..It's on the Ground floor level tucked away in a corner of the mall..
I am already familiar with the Daiso stores since there are plenty in Manila but are usually small compared to this one. So going inside, is like an all-in-one store all imported from Japan. You can buy almost everything and mostly for AED7.00 only! 
 I was checking the make-up alley and an Arabic woman wearing an Avaya asked if it's any good. Told her I've no idea and just smiled...But when i wore a denim hairband she asked me to buy it since it does look good on me...Hahaha...I did. :-p
Assorted hair clips...
 Ready-to-use reading glasses...
We also bought this one...
 Kitchen wares...

 Assorted storage boxes...

Every time I visit Daiso store I find unusual knick-knacks that still amazes me :-)

Thursday, July 7, 2011


When Mario and I visited Al Wahda, we came to a stall that says "Operation Smile".  It seems familiar and so I know why. I have already came across this organization back in Manila. It's an international organization with a good cause.
Their cause: 'Operation Smile provides free surgeries to repair cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities for children around the globe'

A young volunteer assisted me inside their booth and showed me around. They have various activities for kids to help raise funds.
And they have souvenir items for sale. I bought a camel stuffed toy for 25AED. It will be one of my 'pasalubong' to Anjel.
Going around the booth I was surprised and happy to know that they just had a recent mission in Davao last March. 
Before leaving, I promised the young guy to share this with friends and hope that they will continually help and touch the lives of children with just a 45-minute operation for a smile of a lifetime!

Visit their site at: