Tuesday, June 21, 2011

This way, That way

One thing I noticed about Abu Dhabi is that its streets, especially in the city, are parallel to each other and you would think that you can easily find any place as clear as day.That is what I initially thought. 

The thing is I find its street names a little confusing. Probably because of the rapid growth of the country, you will mostly encounter 2 names for each street. They name it by ranking (1st street, 2nd street, etc…).  I learned that the 1st street is named after Sheikh Zayed, the father and founder of UAE. There also street names like Hamdan street, Najda street... One good example is Electra Street or Sheikh Zayed the Second Street :-) 

The worst is if you find yourself in the middle of a street block with minor roads, then you will feel more lost than you actually are. So, if you live in a flat or a building located in the middle of the major roads, you will be lucky if the building itself has a name. Otherwise, you will be describing where you live graphically and with all the adjectives you could muster. 

To simplify matters, most residents here go by the PO Box. I, for one, have never known the physical address of where we live. If somebody asks, I take a deep breath and then go on with my tirade of giving directions and descriptions with matching hand movements.    

So when I was assigned as a reliever for the company's telephone operator, giving directions to clients is a dilemma. I can only say as much as our building name and some landmarks near our area. If the client further asks, then I will need a helpline, meaning transferring the call to the GM's secretary, also a Filipina.   

When I was only here about a month ago and still trying to find work, the best way for me is to get a cab in case I have a scheduled interview. My husband advised me to schedule any interviews on a Saturday so that he may be able to accompany me. (Friday is an official rest day. Some companies have Saturday work. Sunday is a Monday) But then it is not always the case since it will depend also on the time availability of the interviewer. If the interview date would be on a weekday of the following week, my hubby and I will find time to locate the office on a weekend and check if it will be walking distance from home or he will advise me how to instruct the cab driver going there. And then if the company is located outside of the city, then "Kalas" or finish - the job will not be considered at all.

Anyway, if you are new and confident enough, find time to walk around the city. Try to go from one block to the other. You will notice that the streets are almost similar to each other. The difference of course would be the buildings and commercial establishments located along the streets.

In time you will get the hang of it and will identify some landmarks that will be useful in 'describing' your address, making directions, and just simply going from one place to the other.

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