Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Finally my own space to write my own thoughts! I have never been a blogger. Though I am not a professional writer, I love how words are formed to create a vivid thought. I have loved writing since the time  I learned that it's a therapy for a weakened spirit.

I am so excited to know that there is a wide world out there - in the net that is.

Why the name Caboo? Because I can't think of any other name that will be simple and interesting. Also, it took me days already thinking what to name my blog since most of the names I thought of has already been taken. So, I called my 10 yr old son from overseas and consulted him. I asked permission if I can use his character name from one of his "membership" games. Without so much persuasion, 'Caboo' is born. Caboo, in the Urban Dictionary, would mean
"to be close with someone,being cool,tight."

I am a very private person and the start of Caboo is a revelation of my inner self. It is a journey of my life and a journal of my personal insights and opinions. Hopefully, it will be an inspiration to others. 

So welcome to my footpaths as where it will take me... :-)

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