Monday, August 13, 2012

It's been awhile...

Blogger has a new look! It has been awhile since I visited and wrote in my blog. Time flies so fast indeed! Where have I gone? I got myself busy with work, busy with coping up living here in Abu, and mostly got busy with my pregnancy. Yup, I have another angel and he is almost 3 months now ☺...He is taking up most of my time so I really do not know why at this point in my life I just wanted to write again. Probably it's because  I have so much in my mind that i just needed them to put somewhere. Perhaps thoughts and emotions in paper makes it real or makes it tangible somehow.

Right now, my thoughts are running crazy of what I have done and gone through the past months and would like to put everything here now! But time is limited. As of now I am content that I am back writing again...

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