Thursday, July 7, 2011


When Mario and I visited Al Wahda, we came to a stall that says "Operation Smile".  It seems familiar and so I know why. I have already came across this organization back in Manila. It's an international organization with a good cause.
Their cause: 'Operation Smile provides free surgeries to repair cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities for children around the globe'

A young volunteer assisted me inside their booth and showed me around. They have various activities for kids to help raise funds.
And they have souvenir items for sale. I bought a camel stuffed toy for 25AED. It will be one of my 'pasalubong' to Anjel.
Going around the booth I was surprised and happy to know that they just had a recent mission in Davao last March. 
Before leaving, I promised the young guy to share this with friends and hope that they will continually help and touch the lives of children with just a 45-minute operation for a smile of a lifetime!

Visit their site at:

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