Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Paalam Kaibigan (Farewell my friend)

This is Venu. Younger still.
I hate goodbyes, any kind of it. It just makes me cry, all the time. Been working with the company for more than 5 months now and though I have not made any real close friends, you get to have a 'bond' with people you see and deal with everyday.   

Venu, our document controller is leaving for good. He is actually retiring since he has been with the company for 22 years!I just admire dedicated employees :-)  He is an indian guy but though I knew little of him in a persoal way, I just love his humor and wit!  

As he is leaving, he shook each of our hands and bid everyone farewell. He told me "Do not forget me Ara…and I said" I will not".."I know you will not" :-) 

So, au revoir my friend. I will miss u somehow..Saludos to a person who has finish and gone this road while we look on with sighs and sulk in our working corners knowing we still have a long way to travel ...  

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